Best Time to Whitewater Raft in the Colorado Rockies

July 18, 2024

One of the most popular activities that any adventure lover would love to go through in the Colorado Rockies is whitewater rafting. It is always an exciting experience to be in a raft and go through the rapids while simultaneously enjoying the beautiful scenery. When planning for a rafting trip, it is important that you know the best time in order to have a safe and enjoyable rafting experience. Below is a guide that will assist you in planning the most appropriate time for rafting in Colorado.

Perfect Time For Whitewater Rafting

Rafting in the Colorado area is best around May and mid-September. Here’s a closer look at what you can expect during different parts of the season.


The spring period is usually considered the start of the rafting season. The water from the snowmelt in the Rocky Mountains contributes to the high and fast water flow in the rivers, which results in high and fast-moving rapids. This time is suitable for those who want to have a thrilling experience and go on an adventurous rafting journey. However, the water can be very cold, so it is recommended that you dress warm and prepare for the cold water.

Early Summer

The best time to go whitewater rafting in the Rockies is from mid-June to July. During this time, the rivers are still full from the melting snow, but the temperature is higher and not as cold. This season is characterized by grand rapids and good weather, so it is suitable for both experienced rafters and those who want to start rafting. These months are ideal for the popular rivers, including the Arkansas and Colorado Rivers.

Late summer to early fall

From mid-August to September, the water levels start to decrease, which brings another type of rafting experience. As the water reduces, the force of the rapids also reduces, but you have to up your technicalities by maneuvering around rocks and other obstructions. Autumn begins, and the beautiful colors start to show up, the changing of the leaves and the cooler water make for a beautiful rafting trip. One of the benefits is that there are fewer tourists in the river during this time, making it less crowded and more personal.

Factors to Consider Before You Go Whitewater Rafting

Weather Conditions:

The weather greatly determines the quality of your rafting trip. Warmer weather is more favorable, but it is always advisable to be prepared for a change in weather, especially when you are in the mountains. Ensure you check the weather and dress for it.

Skill Level:

Timing is also very important when it comes to rafting and you should consider the level of experience of your group. The high water in the spring and early summer are better for the more advanced rafts and the late summer and early fall are best suited for those with less rafting experience and children.

Water Levels:

It is important to remember that the level of water is proportional to the intensity of the rapids encountered. This means that the higher the water level, the higher the difficulty level of the rapids, while the lower the water level, the easier the ride. Go online to check the current water levels and the weather forecast before you book a tour.


The increase in the number of tourists participating in rafting means that certain rivers may be congested at certain hours. If you want a less adventurous experience, you should go rafting in early spring or fall.

Aspire Tours Is The Best Place To Enjoy Whitewater Rafting In Colorado

Whitewater rafting in Colorado is a breathtaking experience, as it involves thrilling rapids and a breathtaking view of the surrounding environment. Consider booking your tour with us at Aspire Tours to have the best adventure ever. Our professional guides and well-planned tours make rafting safe and fun for everyone. 

We are based in Denver, CO, but our adventures cover Slida, Red Rocks, Boulder, Breckenridge, and Colorado Springs, CO. Please check our website or call 720-583-0654 to book your next tour.


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